A zone definition is a DNS Made Easy proprietary DNS zone format. You would import using this format only if you are moving zones between DNS Made Easy accounts. You could then import the data back into the system in the same format. If you are migrating to DNS Made Easy from an external provider, you will need to import from a zone file instead.
Note: When you input new DNS records or modify existing ones, your zone definition is automatically crafted by our system.
1. Navigate to Managed DNS

2. Select your Domain

3. Select the “Import Records” tab

4. Select to import records from “Zone Definition”
Zone definitions must be imported in the format shown in the screenshot below. If GTD service is enabled for your domain DEFAULT represents the default region and in addition, this domain has a EUROPE region only record. If GTD is not enabled for your domain, this can be left out of your data import. You can use this data to edit your domains records quickly (find/replace) and import the zone back into the domain. If you would like to replace your existing records you can click the check box to do so.